Gisella Loeffler Lacher
1900 -1977
  • Print
September 24, 1900
Vienna, Austria
September 12, 1977
Taos, New Mexico

Gisella Loeffler, a painter, was born in 1900 in Vienna, Austria. She immigrated to the United States with her family in 1908, where they lived in St. Louis, Missouri. Loeffler studied art at the St. Louis School of Fine Arts at Washington University from 1918 to 1925.

In 1919 and 1920, Loeffler won prizes from the St. Louis Artists' Guild and from the Author’s League of America. She participated in the Public Works of Art Project while still living in Missouri in the early 1930s, painting a mural at the Michael School in St. Louis in 1933-1934.

Loeffler’s painting is in the Austrian folk-art style, with images of children and the use of bright colors and decorative floral and fauna motifs. She also designed batik textiles. In 1933, she received the Frank P. Crunden Prize for craftwork from the St. Louis Artists’ Guild 20th Anniversary Annual Exhibition. Loeffler also designed greeting cards and decorative posters. Later in her career, she began working in textiles and making wall hangings, and she received an award in fiber arts from the Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1959 and 1967.

Her best-known work made in St. Louis is the mural in the Johnson-Rand surgical pavilion operating room at Barnes Hospital, which took her nine months to create in 1931. This was commissioned by the surgeon Vilray P. Blair, M.D. Since most of the procedures in the room were done using local anesthetics, the mural was made to distract patients as a therapeutic experiment and to make the operating room less intimidating and more inviting. On the ceiling, Loeffler painted forty mermaids and four different deep-sea animals. Around the room there were five major scenes, including fairy tale images such as Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, the Cat and the Fiddle,  and Santa Claus. In total, the mural included three hundred figures. The mural was  paid for by private subscriptions.

Around 1934, Loeffler moved to Taos, New Mexico, with her daughters. There she made murals for the Federal Art Project, as well as continuing her other work. The most well known of these murals were made for the Carrie Tingley Hospital for Crippled Children in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Around 1940, Loeffler moved to California, where she painted camouflage on airplanes for Lockheed as part of the war effort during World War II. In 1941 Loeffler began illustrating children’s books. Her first book was a collaboration with author Margery Bianco titled Franzi and Gizi. In 1942 Loeffler produced the book The Spanish American Songs and Game Book for the Federal Writers Project. In 1948 Loeffler returned to Taos, where she spent the rest of her life and where she also published her own book, El Ekeko in 1964.

Gisella Loeffler died on September 12, 1977, in Taos.

Town Club Exhibition

Organized by Town Club

Award, Midwestern Artists' Exhibition
Award, St. Louis Artists' Guild Exhibition
Award, Thumb-Box Annual Exhibition
Award, 20th Anniversary Exhibition of the Saint Louis Artists’ Guild
Award, Museum of International Folk Art
Award, Museum of International Folk Art

Awards & Exhibitions 30

Town Club Exhibition

Organized by Town Club

Award, Midwestern Artists' Exhibition
Award, St. Louis Artists' Guild Exhibition
Award, Thumb-Box Annual Exhibition
Award, 20th Anniversary Exhibition of the Saint Louis Artists’ Guild
Award, Museum of International Folk Art
Award, Museum of International Folk Art


Artist clippings file is available at:


Select Sources

Philip Skroska, “Santa Claus in the Operating Room,” Bernard Becker Medical Library Blog, Washington University School of Medicine, December 19, 2016, accessed August 22, 2022,

Dean A. Porter, Teresa Hayes Ebie, Suzan Campbell, Taos Artists and Their Patrons, 1898-1950 (Notre Dame: Snite Museum of Art, 1999), 244-245, 376.

Michael Grauer, “Gisella Loeffler: A Taos Legend,” Southwest Art 20, no. 6 (November 1998): 50-52.

“Taos Writer-Artist Gets Double Honors,” Amarillo Globe-Times, April 20, 1965, 20.

“Awards at Artists’ Guild Exhibit,” Art World (St. Louis, Missouri) 2, no. 9 (May-June 1933): 4.

Mary Powell, “In St. Louis,” American Magazine of Art, 24, no. 3 (March 1932): 233-234.

“Awards Made in Thumb-Box of Art League,” Art World (St. Louis, Missouri) 1, no. 4 (January 1932): 1, 4.

“New Operating Room at Barnes Hospital Is a Regular Fairyland,” St. Louis Globe-Democrat, January 19, 1932, 19.

Core Reference Sources

askART (database), askART,

Anita Jacobsen, Jacobsen's Biographical Index of American Artists (Carrollton: A.J. Publications, 2002).

Peter H. Falk, et. al, Who was Who in American Art, 1564-1975: 400 Years of Artists in America (Madison: Sound View Press, 1999).


Roberta Wagener, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

Artist Record Published

Published on September 2, 2022

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Artist clippings file is available at:


Select Sources

Philip Skroska, “Santa Claus in the Operating Room,” Bernard Becker Medical Library Blog, Washington University School of Medicine, December 19, 2016, accessed August 22, 2022,

Dean A. Porter, Teresa Hayes Ebie, Suzan Campbell, Taos Artists and Their Patrons, 1898-1950 (Notre Dame: Snite Museum of Art, 1999), 244-245, 376.

Michael Grauer, “Gisella Loeffler: A Taos Legend,” Southwest Art 20, no. 6 (November 1998): 50-52.

“Taos Writer-Artist Gets Double Honors,” Amarillo Globe-Times, April 20, 1965, 20.

“Awards at Artists’ Guild Exhibit,” Art World (St. Louis, Missouri) 2, no. 9 (May-June 1933): 4.

Mary Powell, “In St. Louis,” American Magazine of Art, 24, no. 3 (March 1932): 233-234.

“Awards Made in Thumb-Box of Art League,” Art World (St. Louis, Missouri) 1, no. 4 (January 1932): 1, 4.

“New Operating Room at Barnes Hospital Is a Regular Fairyland,” St. Louis Globe-Democrat, January 19, 1932, 19.

Core Reference Sources

askART (database), askART,

Anita Jacobsen, Jacobsen's Biographical Index of American Artists (Carrollton: A.J. Publications, 2002).

Peter H. Falk, et. al, Who was Who in American Art, 1564-1975: 400 Years of Artists in America (Madison: Sound View Press, 1999).


Roberta Wagener, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

Artist Record Published

Published on September 2, 2022

Updated on None


Wagener, Roberta. "Gisella Loeffler." In Missouri Remembers: Artists in Missouri through 1951. Kansas City: The Kansas City Art Institute and The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art; St. Louis: The St. Louis Public Library, 2022,